International patient’s concern about surgery was swept away with the On-X heart valve

I was diagnosed as aortic stenosis due to congenital bicuspid valve and underwent aortic valve replacement at age of 56. My surgeon told me that the On-X valve would be implanted and I began my own research on the internet.

I read all the “Clinical Updates” issued by the manufacturer and also watched a surgical video.

Knowing that the On-X valve is a most advanced product with improved design features, my concern about surgery was swept away. I was strongly convinced I would be more active postoperatively and underwent surgery in a positive frame of mind.

One month after surgery, I started exercising on the treadmill, together with walking and jogging, aimed to finish a full-length marathon at one year anniversary of my surgery. I had made a quick recovery and 10km running became my daily routine after two months following surgery.

I am now gradually increasing running distance every day.

I always feel “joie de vivre” when hearing the sound of my On-X. I hope someday, I will be released from Warfarin intake.

I will enjoy my life as a lifelong runner, following up my first grandchild’s growth who was born in the same month as my surgery.

-Minoru from Japan

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