My recovery has gone very well

My recovery has gone very well. I’m 51, in good physical condition, and went into surgery with a positive outlook. My surgeon credits that as an important part of things, and I in turn give full credit to him and On-X for saving and extending my life. My condition — a calcified biscuspid heart valve –was diagnosed while I was going through pre-admission for back surgery. The back surgery was postponed and heart surgery done instead. Without it, my surgeon said I would probably not have survived two more years.

When I met with the surgeon, he was amazed how much research I had done to learn about the surgery, valve replacement options, risks, etc. I was comforted when I learned he favored the On-X valve for patients my age, recognizing it is state of the art in design and reliability.

I did receive a patient ID card at the hospital and carry it with me at all times. The information you gave me puts my mind at ease about the airport scanning and possible MRI scans to come. I will keep the MRI information with me if another MRI exam is required.

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